Learn Grow and Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group combined to man a booth at the Projects Fair, as part of Rotary’s International Assembly in San Diego, California from 15-21 January 2012.

An annual event, the purpose of the International Assembly is to educate, motivate and inspire district governors-elect to lead Rotarians in their districts.  Through plenary sessions, group discussions and fellowship activities, future governors gain the hands-on information they need for the coming year.

The activities of Learn Grow mesh very well with the Rotary theme of Peace Through Service for 2012-13 announced by Rotary International President-Elect Sakuji Tanaka, at the Assembly.  “Violent conflicts often lead to hunger and reduced food production.  And the reverse is also true.  Hunger and lack of access to essential facilities often lie at the heart of violent conflicts”, Learn Grow Chairman, Buz Green said.  “Drawing on its extensive database of some 24,000 edible plants, Learn Grow seeks to share knowledge about using local food plants with international food aid providers, helping to bring hope to the hungry and malnourished.”

International Assembly offered a great opportunity to share the Learn Grow vision and show district governors-elect from around the world how clubs in their districts can become involved and make a difference.  Strong interest was expressed in the project, with 27 districts signing up to become actively involved and many others collecting literature to become more informed.

Special thanks is extended to our friends in Australia and overseas who most ably manned the display and spread the message.